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Ken H.
Ken H.
Ken H.
Ken H.
Ken H.
Ken H.
Ken H.
Ken H.
Ken H.
Ken H.
Ken H.

Ken H.

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Ken H.

2021/8/31 • 2022/2/2 “Written on Skin” by David Barnett @davidbarnett31 . The encounter with David is a truly special one. He was the one getting in touch with me thru one of these platforms (start using it when I moved to Lndn) where you can suggest/offer a creative project/work and look for all kinds of professionals, semis and newbies to collaborate or work with. I was initially hesitating to meet up with him due to the political implications he suggested in his project description. . “…This project is about human connectivity, respect for each other and the planet. A response to Covid and current global disharmony. Signs that human kind has yet to appreciate the importance of compassion and regard for all life. …How might things change if we prioritize kindness and compassion for each other. The work follows on from a previous project…” . Although I knew his position on certain aspects in regards to (scientifically and technically unsubstantiated) covid implementations, I thought of it as a challenge to myself: entering/continuing a dialogue even if we fundamentally disagree on one or even a few more topics. . My aim is to shine light on the use and awareness of language and its abuse/exploitation in regards to meaning, definition, origin and historical context by asking questions not differently but with constantly changing perspectives in order to reach a mutual ground of understanding. Stepping back to move forward basically. . What is human connectivity? What is compassion? What is respect? What is causing such a disharmony? Why are we encouraging more separation from our natural habitat? What are the root causes for ingrained and disproportionate fear? . The shoot was taken indoors near Euston station on Aug 31st 2021. The group exhibition was @bricklanegallery from Feb 2nd - 13th 2022. . The beauty about learning and accepting other ppl’s backgrounds and limited/blocked accessibility to the most simple form of acquiring naturally understanding of knowledge and emotional intelligence is to never give up being curious about life (and death) itself. . To be continued in comment section