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Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher
Agnes Fisher

Agnes Fisher

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Agnes Fisher

Marathon Recap - I think it’s safe to say that this was a race like no other. With this being my first (Road-)Marathon, I took out the pressure of finishing at a certain time and rather focused on having a GREAT time. I honestly had a party out there (I think that becomes very clear by watching the Video). Looking back, the last 12 weeks were a rollercoaster of emotions. Sometimes I wasn’t sure if I’d make it. I thought, maybe I just wasn’t built to run 42k. Would my knee keep up with the impact? Then, on Sunday I thought back to my Interview & Shoot with @zalando. When I was asked, whats your goal I said: „I want to finish with a smile“. And I did. I smiled the whole way. I reached my goal. Would I do it again? Oh yes! Being out there with 50+k people, knowing they all went pretty much through something similar over the past 12 weeks is a very special feeling. A feeling of being united through running. Thanks @zalando @berlinbraves @the_andi_g @jonny_stahl @joeyelgersma @jenniehauke for all your support. Thank you @schulthessklinik @ed_nabarro @uli_ihle & @rene_naylor for being by my side through all the injuries & believing in me. Thank you @the6zhclub & coaches for the training sessions. The Intervals were a lot easier with you by my side @carminerag1 & @sabina__alice Thank you @nataniaespinosa @larusca for cheering me on (you know you will have to travel with me to every single race now, right?) & Thank you to all of you out there! For believing in me, for your supportive words, for tracking me online, for all your sweet congratulation messages. ❤️‍🔥 And thank you to myself, for constantly pushing and never giving up. 👊🏼 Oh, and in case you are wondering about my time, here it is: 4:11:07. #CoverPhoto @uyberlin 🫂 Cheers, Agi . @Zalando @BerlinBraves #Zalando #ZalandoRunning #YourRunYourPace #anzeige #12weekjourney #42k #marathon #runninggirl #girlswhorun #aclpclreconstruction #aclpclmclrepair #aclpclmclsurgery

Agnes Fisher

On Sunday, the 30th July 2023 at 10:20am - @afro_vertical & Myself successfully summited Batian Peak - 5199m, the highest Mountain in Kenya 🇰🇪 Let me state the fact that this is the actual summit of Mt. Kenya and NOT just the trekkers peak (Point Lenana) which most people call the top… Batian Peak involves actual rock climbing with around 15+ pitches depending how fearless one is 😅 (Meaning that some parts can be scrambled but it’s still very exposed and falling or slipping would not be a good idea…) We left Shiptons Camp at 2:50am in the morning, got to the base of the mountain at 3:50am and started climbing just after 4am. We got really lucky with the weather and everything went really smooth. We pushed it and summited within 6 hours 💪🏼 Around 11am we left the peak to rappel back down. However one still needs to be focused, especially since its a looooong way down. We had some problems with the rope and got slowed down by other climbers (that had to turn around) but we reached the bottom at 3:30pm. All in all the turnaround time was 12-13 hours… Thank you to @afro_vertical for being the best guide anyone could ask for! Your expertise on the mountain made me feel safe but you also pushed me to my limits (which i highly appreciate!) Only around 50 people summit Batian a year, which makes it a non touristic mountain and you gotta put in the work to reach the peak. There is no easy way up… No fixed lines, no bolts, nothing. Trad it is. 👊🏼 Feel free to send me a DM if you have any questions 🖤🧗🏻‍♀️ . . . . . . . . #batian #batianpeak #batianpeakkenya #batianpeakmountkenya #mountkenya #mountkenyanationalpark #kenya #thetruesummit #thetruesummitofmountkenya #climbingmountkenya #climbing #rockclimbing #girlswhoclimb #batianpeak5199m #tradclimbing #traditionalclimbing

Agnes Fisher