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Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego
Sofia Fanego

Sofia Fanego

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Sofia Fanego

Botanists bred two roses together to yield a sturdier bloom that lasted longer and held its scent emulating the fixedness of eternity. Sofia Fanego is a scientist of the heart employing collage and blooms as her material. She synthesizes dried fleurs with female images taken on her analogue camera or found in a dig through ancient global books. Her depths are set by impulse and emotive connections as she is under the skin of nature exacting methods of gathering and muted hunting learned as a child in Argentina on her family’s farm. Flora is never a slight treasure to her, it is a textured form ready to breathe its life into her conceptual longing and structured dream narratives. Her work is all manner of fused begotten blooms, buds, and branches carefully hand constructed to compositions on paper with the delicate strength of Hera eagle eyed over Olympus. The resulting texture is a sublime amalgamation. LINNEA is her new work laboriously constructed by revolving-constant planting, growing, harvesting, hulling, and drying. She has the ambition of a zealous bloom addict that truly insists on a document of her plant to fleur specimens tethered to time in their frozen beauty. She inhales them to her core in order to marry her two dimensional female images to her tactile findings in a kind of surreal pact. In nature, Sofia sees the world within a floating petal and reflections of herself in piles of drying long headed garland fires. She stretches her own self portrait inward and in turn echoes a silent reverence as she outlines the delicate vow she has made to the earth as her medium of epiphany. By Brit Parks @britparksxx